Dr. Horacio Sanchez

Dr. Sanchez has been a teacher, administrator, clinician, mental health director, and consultant to the Dept. of Education in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and other states. His diverse education and background have helped him to merge research, science, and practice. 


Book: The Education Revolution applies brain science to improve instruction, behaviors, and school climate. 

PEDIATRICIAN:  Dr. Nadine Burke Harris

Dr. Nadine Burke Harris’ healthcare practice focuses on a little-understood, yet very common factor in childhood that can profoundly impact adult-onset disease: trauma.

YouTube: Ted Talks Nadine Burke Harris

Book: The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity

PSYCHOLOGIST:  Dr. Carolyn Dweck

Dr. Carolyn Dweck is an American psychologist. She is the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. Dr. Dweck is known for her work on the mindset psychological trait.


Book: Mindset The New Psychology of Success

Brene' Brown

Brene' is a researcher, storyteller, and (currently enraged) Texan who’s spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy.



Spiritual Resources

Crushing: God Turns Pressure Into Power with Bishop T.D. Jakes & Pastor Steven Furtick

Fr. Mike Schmitz reflects on the relationship of suffering to love, and how the deepest pains can help us to see the expansive love the Father has for us. Sharing various stories of suffering, Fr. Mike illuminates certain aspects of suffering’s mystery. The cross, born out of love and filled with suffering, reveals that God is close to us in our brokenness. 

Pastor Steven Furtick

The Enemy Only Attacks What’s Valuable

Dr. Charles Stanley Walking With God Through the Dark Times 

Self-Care Wheel

Sleep Hacks & Growth Mindset

How do YOU see yourself?

As "average" or "beautiful?" 

Girls Ages 5-18 Talk About What Beauty Means To Them

What is your SELF TALK when you look in the mirror?


Disclaimer: The information on this website is intended for informational purposes to promote broader understanding of various health topics. Not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Author Lainie Morrison-Fryer earned a Bachelor's Degree at Eastern Michigan University and has more than 30 years in the criminal justice field. She is a co-owner of Mindfulbliss Living, LLC.  Lainie is also a reiki master, certified spiritual life coach, certified and accredited angelic healing practitioner, advanced crystal spiritual life coach with experience in quantum healing techniques and hypnosis modalities of treatment.
Book: Finding The Authentic You

Additional Resources Regarding: HIPPA Compliant & Electronic Communication
The Privacy Rule
The Privacy Rule allows covered health care providers to communicate electronically, such as through e-mail, with their patients, provided they apply reasonable safeguards when doing so. See 45 CFR § 164.530(c). For example, you'll need to take certain precautions when using e-mail to avoid unintentional disclosures, such as checking the e-mail address for accuracy before sending or sending an e-mail alert to the patient for address confirmation before sending the message.